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This project aims to host a research planning and knowledge exchange activity on the topic of the health services organization and delivery of care for individuals who require anticoagulants in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). 


More specifically, the objectives are to:

  1. Identify needs, gaps and opportunities to address the fragmented care for outpatients receiving anticoagulation therapy in NL. 

  2. Learn from leaders and clinician scientists from other Canadian jurisdictions, including those who have transitioned into a single provincial health authority. 

  3. Identify best practices and care models for anticoagulation management, including the use of digital health solutions that are responsive to the needs of patients and the health system 

  4. Develop a research and evaluation framework and partnerships for anticoagulation management that aligns with the NL Health Accord vision of achieving a Learning Health System. 


We will use an integrated Knowledge Translation (iKT) approach and work collaboratively with key stakeholder groups, including leaders in health services delivery, policymakers, patients and citizens, healthcare professionals, community leaders, and researchers. The gathering together of partners will facilitate knowledge exchange and regional alliances among individuals from a variety of backgrounds. We will host ONE provincial (virtual) meeting and present the local context of anticoagulation use in NL, learn from patient and provider experiences, hear from clinical scientists who have implemented structured models of care in other Canadian jurisdictions, and develop collaborations that will catalyze new research partnerships that are responsive to patient and health system needs.

Outcomes and Deliverables 

The primary outcome is to co-identify research priorities and best practice models for transforming anticoagulant management in NL. The end goal is to undertake health services and health policy research, intervention research, and research on access and barriers to care. 


By the end of the planning meeting, we hope to have co-created: 

  • a provincial strategy for anticoagulation management that is responsive to the needs of patients and the health system.

  •  An initial framework for a research and evaluation that aligns with the Health Accord’s goal of establishing a comprehensive, effective and sustainable Learning Health System. 

Project Partners:             Funding Provided by:

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